Order By Where SQL Server : cybexhosting.net

Hello and welcome to this comprehensive journal article on “Order By Where SQL Server”. In this article, we will cover everything about SQL Server, the importance of Order By, and how to use it in your queries. If you are an SQL enthusiast or someone who wants to learn about SQL, this article is perfect for you.

Chapter 1: Introduction to SQL Server

SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It is widely used in the industry for storing and managing data. SQL Server is mainly used for creating databases, tables, and queries to manage the data. It is not just a database but a complete suite of tools that help developers and administrators in managing and optimizing the database. SQL Server comes in various editions including Express, Standard, Enterprise, and Developer.

SQL Server is a powerful tool for managing data, but it requires a good understanding of SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL is a language used for communicating with the database, and it is used to create, modify, and manipulate data in the database.

Chapter 2: Understanding Order By

Order By is a clause in SQL used for sorting data in ascending or descending order. It is used to sort data in a specific order based on the column value. The syntax of Order By is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC];

The Order By clause is used after the WHERE clause, and it can be used with multiple columns. You can sort the data based on one or multiple columns by separating them with commas.

Chapter 2.1: Importance of Order By

Order By is an essential clause in SQL because it helps you sort and organize data in a specific order. It is used to display the data in a readable and meaningful format. Without Order By, the data displayed in the result set will not have any specific order.

Also, Order By is used in conjunction with Group By and Aggregate functions such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc. Without Order By, the result set of these functions will not have any specific order.

Chapter 2.2: Order By with Where Clause

Order By can be used with the WHERE clause to sort data based on specific conditions. This is useful when you want to retrieve data that meets certain conditions and sort them in a specific order.

The syntax of Order By with Where Clause is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC];

For example, if you want to retrieve the employee details whose salary is greater than 5000 and sort them in ascending order based on their salary, the SQL query would look like:

SELECT employee_id, employee_name, salary
FROM employee
WHERE salary>5000
ORDER BY salary ASC;

Chapter 3: Using Order By in SQL Server

Now that we understand the importance of Order By and how to use it with Where Clause, let’s explore how to use Order By in SQL Server. We will also cover some advanced techniques of using Order By in SQL Server.

Chapter 3.1: Sorting Data in Ascending and Descending Order

You can sort data in Ascending and Descending order using the Order By clause in SQL Server. The default order is Ascending, which means data will be sorted in ascending order based on the column value. You can specify the order explicitly by using the ASC and DESC keywords.

The syntax of sorting data in Ascending and Descending order is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC];

For example, if you want to sort the employee table based on their salary in descending order, the SQL query would look like:

SELECT employee_id, employee_name, salary
FROM employee

Chapter 3.2: Sorting Data by Multiple Columns

You can use Order By to sort data by multiple columns in SQL Server. The syntax is the same as sorting data based on a single column, but you need to specify multiple columns separated by commas.

The syntax of sorting data by multiple columns is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC], column2 [ASC|DESC], ...;

For example, if you want to sort the employee table based on their department in ascending order and then by their salary in descending order, the SQL query would look like:

SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department, salary
FROM employee
ORDER BY department ASC, salary DESC;

Chapter 3.3: Sorting Data by Expression or Function

You can also use expressions or functions in the Order By clause to sort data in SQL Server. The syntax is the same as sorting by a column, but you need to replace the column name with the expression or function.

The syntax of sorting data by expression or function is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY expression|function [ASC|DESC];

For example, if you want to sort the employee table based on the length of their name in descending order, the SQL query would look like:

SELECT employee_id, employee_name, salary
FROM employee
ORDER BY LEN(employee_name) DESC;

Chapter 3.4: Sorting Data by Case Statement

You can use a case statement in the Order By clause to sort data in a specific order in SQL Server. The syntax is the same as sorting by a column, but you need to replace the column name with the case statement.

The syntax of sorting data by case statement is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHEN condition1 THEN value1
WHEN condition2 THEN value2

For example, if you want to sort the employee table based on their department in a specific order, the SQL query would look like:

SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department, salary
FROM employee
CASE department 
WHEN 'Finance' THEN 3

Chapter 4: FAQ

Q1. Why is Order By important in SQL?

A1. Order By is important in SQL because it helps you sort and organize data in a specific order. It is used to display the data in a readable and meaningful format. Without Order By, the data displayed in the result set will not have any specific order.

Q2. Can we use Order By with Where Clause?

A2. Yes, Order By can be used with the WHERE clause to sort data based on specific conditions. This is useful when you want to retrieve data that meets certain conditions and sort them in a specific order.

Q3. Can we sort data by multiple columns in SQL?

A3. Yes, you can use Order By to sort data by multiple columns in SQL Server. The syntax is the same as sorting data based on a single column, but you need to specify multiple columns separated by commas.

Q4. Can we sort data by expression or function in SQL?

A4. Yes, you can use expressions or functions in the Order By clause to sort data in SQL Server.

Q5. Can we sort data by case statement in SQL?

A5. Yes, you can use a case statement in the Order By clause to sort data in a specific order in SQL Server.


Order By is a powerful clause in SQL used to sort data in a specific order. It is an essential clause in SQL because it helps you sort and organize data in a specific order, making it readable and meaningful. In this article, we covered everything about Order By and how to use it in SQL Server. We also covered some advanced techniques of using Order By in SQL Server. We hope this article helped you understand the importance of Order By and how to use it effectively in your queries.

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